Tuesday, 21 June 2011

eset crackme 2011 solution

I've promised to post a solution, so here it is

the crackme does some simple checking first


then it loads an elf file from resources, which doesn't have anything linux-specific except for the file format, so the parts of it used runs fine on windows

it calls 2 routines from it

the first routine hashes the username, identified by the genius cryptographist dcoder as cubehash

this hash is then fed into a big macro laden routine

it looks big, however when you look at the individual parts it's not that complicated

inside the big loop:
the first macros reverses the bits of a 64 bit var
the next few calls another macro 32 times, we can simplify it to this

ecx:edi^((esi:ebx^(local_138:local_134<<1))<<1) simplifying further, it actually calls one macro twice n=((n>>63)?0x5043443f1755df4d:0)^(n<<1), where n is a 64 bit number

the last few macros reverse the bits of n again

this looks very much like crc, in fact, it is a crc64 with a starting value of:
and a polynomial of:
0xb2fbaae8fc22c20a (this is the bit reversed 0x5043443f1755df4d)
the final value is xored with:

a constant string and our key is fed into this routine, then compared with the hash

to reverse this, we simply reverse the crc

most of eset's crackmes so far needs a certain crc to be reversed, so you better get used to it if you do more :)

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